Lynn mods

She/they. en/th

I do face swap/sculpts and mostly 3D edits.


S T A T U S: C L O S E
Jan-Feb waitlist open

what I can do

  • face swap

  • face sculpting

  • simple eyebrows and lashes edit

  • hairstyle and mashup

  • simple clothing

  • vanilla edit

what I WILL NOT do

  • NSFW stuffs

  • Lalafell NSFW stuffs

  • upscales or downscales

payment: via paypal or ko-fi


  • Only face swap $20

  • Face Sculpts starting from $25

  • Face Swap + Sculpt $35

  • Eyebrow edit + retexture $15

  • Eyelashes edit + retexture $15

  • Brow + Lashes package $25

  • Full face sculpt package (Sculpt + Brow + Lashes retextures) $45

  • Full face swap package (Swap + Sculpt + Brow + Lashes retextures) $60

  • Additional options: Add miqo'te ears $5 / fangs $5 / swap AuRa horns $10

  • model swap $5

  • simple 3d/textures edit (game vanilla meshes) $15

  • hairstyle port/mashup starting from $30 to $70 depends on length or how many meshes for mashup

  • +hairstyle port to additional race $10

  • simple clothing port: - dress starting from $50

  • - chest piece starting from $30

  • - legs starting from $20

please note that the price might change depends on complexity of the work
please read my ToS before contact me for commission


  • I have the right to decline any commission I found not doable.

  • Payment must be upfront. I will NOT start doing the commission until I receive payment, after confirmed payment, I will send you WIP, during this process you can edit as much as you like.

  • If there are anymore modification after your work is done, I will charge extra.

  • For face mod, price not include eyebrows and lashes edit, however I can do simple edit if request and will charge at least $15 additional fee.

  • I ONLY do hair port and mashup from Shining Nikki.

  • I can port mostly any outfits but I might decline if I found the outfit not doable for me (I'd rather port something I can guarantee it will look good than port something out of my ability and they will look ugly)

  • I can only rip model from Shining Nikki, fashion cloudy and some from BnS, if you want to port anything other than that you will have to provide me a model files.

  • I WILL NOT port anything from sims 4 unless you show me a proof of permission from the creators, but I prefer not to.

  • All clothing port using TF body will go public after 3 weeks, If you want private port please consult with me beforehand and I may charge extra if using vanilla body edit.

  • You can change anything during WIP but if there are too many revisions I will ask you to pay a bit extra (will change based on how much/what is changed).

  • I tend to work a bit slow due to my eyes problem. Please allow me 2 weeks or more to deliver your commission.

Important notes for anyone who wanna comm face swap and sculpt

  • After swap face, it is normal for the eyes to not close properly.

  • All shapedata will be disable, which means you cannot use almost every face feature in game character creation

  • If you want to port any face into AuRa raen, please note that face skin color and body color will be mismatch due to pale color on Raen body diffuse, and you will have to edit the face diffuse yourself.

What I will need from you

  • Please know what you want at the end result, at least know what kind of shape or face you want.

  • Please prepare references or model picture beforehand.

  • Please do not use other player's screenshot or other modder's work as a reference.

  • For outfit, If you have models file please prepare them beforehand.

If you agree to above terms and conditions, please contact Lynn#2172 on discord for reserving commission slots or any inquiry about my commission.


some of my mods can be found here ↓

face port / sculpt. makeup not included


dress/outfit. including simple vanilla edit